Metrics & Scores
Learn More About Total AI Score
About Total AI Score The Total Score is an indexed number, 0-100, that helps consumer brands find and prioritize based on predicted demand. The closer to 100, the higher the predicted demand relative to the other attributes. This index helps brand leaders identify which trend are the best ones to focus on. The Total AI Score is calculated by using machine learning to cross-analyze data from customer reviews, searches, social media, and products. The patterns across our data sources, and theiPopularLearn More About KPIs
About Simporter KPIs For each attribute, the following KPIs are calculated, then indexed across the category: Customer Reviews - the number of times a review in the category mentions an attribute; New Arrivals - the number of products launched in the past 6 months that feature an attribute; Instagram Mentions - the number mentions of an attribute in posts in your category from the past 6 months; New Arrivals - the number of new products from the past 6 months that feature an attribuSome readersLearn More About Lifecycle Stages
About Lifecycle Stages Depending on the category size, lifecycles are determined by the number and the marketshare of brands that sell products that feature an attribute. The more large brands that sell products with an attribute, the closer the lifecycle stage gets to the Mass status. The less large brands that sell products with an attribute, the closer the lifecycle stage gets to the Emerging status. Emerging: this stage is where a product attribute is emerging and a few brands have proSome readers
How to Create a Custom Attribute
Creating a custom attribute You can create a custom attribute when you cannot find one that you are looking for. Machine Learning processes millions of data points and, with attributes often very diverse, does require humans in the loop to improve its results. So your added custom attributes will make Simporter's data more useful for you. To create a custom attribute, follow these steps: Getting started To add a new attribute to your list, click the "+ Add Attribute" button in your dashbFew readersHow to Analyze an Attribute
Analyze an Attribute Get Started On the Analysis page you can view information for the attribute: Score Card, Related Attributes, Related Products, Newsfeed To start, select the "Research a Category" option from your dashboard. Choose a Category Select the category that you want to view attributes. You can do analysis for different attFew readersWelcome to Simporter
Welcome to Simporter! The AI tool for improving new product success. Simporter helps Consumer Product brands with: Predicting new trends Identifying unmet consumer needs Building new product ideas Validating product ideas with consumers Forecasting sales of new products Welcome to our Knowledge Base!Few readers
Custom Tables
How to Create a Custom Table
Create a Custom Table Get Started Custom tables let you organize groups of attributes on individual tables so that you can benchmark attributes against each other grouped more specifically than ingredients, needs, or sensory. For example, you can make a custom table about sustainability trends and select only attributes related to sustainability. To start, select the "Research a Category" option from your dashboard. ( readersHow to Add or Remove Attributes from a Custom Table
How to Add or Remove Attributes from a Custom Table How to Add Attributes If you want to add new attributes to your custom table, here’s what you do: Click the ‘+ Add Attributes’ link in the table menu, or hit the ‘Choose attributes’ button if you're already viewing the table. Look through the categories and when you find an attribute you like, select it. You can choose as many as you need from anyFew readersHow To Share a Custom Table
Collaborating with Custom Tables You can share your custom tables with other users. Note: if you make any changes to your custom table, the changes will reflect also for other users who you shared the table with. Getting started Begin by navigating to your custom table and selecting the "Share" option from the table's menu. Choosing who you share with A list of users in your company will appearFew readersHow to Convert a Custom Table Into a Concept
Turning Your Table Into a Concept If you've got a custom table that's just right, and you're ready to turn it into a fully-fledged concept, here's how: First, find the ‘Convert to concept’ option in the custom table menu and click it. This will take you to a new screen where you can start shaping your new concept. You'll see that all the attributes from your custom table are already there. Now, yourFew readers
Custom Attributes
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